The Forgotten Voice of Kay Irion

Kay Irion is a name that many today are not aware of; however, in the early 1940s, she was the talk of Cincinnati. Kay, who became a paraplegic after being injured in a car accident in the late 1930s, was the first stay-at-home radio host to go live over the airwaves on Cincinnati’s popular radio station, WSAI-WLW.


Flake-Stone Artifacts

Archaeology is complex, multifaceted and diverse. Items of material culture are no exception as a nearly countless suite of artifacts were manufactured by prehistoric native Americans through the addition, combination and subtraction of raw materials such as stone, clay, bone, shell, wood and plant fibers.


The Fossil Fish That Could

On December 21, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine signed Ohio Senate Bill No. 123 into law, thus designating Dunkleosteus terrelli as the Fossil Fish of Ohio. Not every state needs an official fossil fish, of course, but if you had to have one, Dunkleosteus (Dunk–ul–AHS–tee–us) might well be it, and no fish is more deserving when it comes to Ohio.


Digging Dinosaurs!

In order to dig dinosaurs, you must first really dig dinosaurs. That is, like them a lot, because the physical digging/excavating/collecting of dinosaurs is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a grueling, exhausting, painful exercise in self-denial – until such time as the precious fossils are finally secured in the museum collection or exhibit hall.