Bob Genheimer Ask a Curator

#AskACurator with Bob Genheimer, George Rieveschl Curator of Archaeology

#AskACurator with Bob Genheimer, George Rieveschl Curator of Archaeology

By: Bob Genheimer, George Rieveschl Curator of Archaeology

Bob Genheimer, our George Rieveschl Curator of Archaeology, answers your questions about the job of a curator and archaeologist.

A close-up view of a portion of the slab after preparation

A World-Class Crinoid Fossil Assemblage

This slab is covered with complete and nearly complete specimens of one species of crinoid, Glyptocrinus decadactylus, and is one of the largest and most spectacular examples of fossil crinoid preservation ever found in the Cincinnatian Series (Late Ordovician Period, 450 million years ago).